Importing and modifying Active Directory users with AD Bulk Users Importing users into Active Directory CSV, Excel The import file can be formatted using the CSV. If you are planning to run a Powershell script with Active Directory commandlets on a Win 7 machine or any other machine that DOES NOT have AD role then. Retrieving User properties from Active Directory. A Power. Shell module for Active Directory was released with Power. Shell 2. 0, the version that shipped with Server 2. R2. This module includes several cmdlets that let you work directly with Active Directory objects. In this blog post, we will look at retrieving user properties and attributes from Active Directory, with the Get Aduser cmdlet. We will also look at how to present them in a clean and tidy format in Microsoft Excel. We will of course have to import active directory module into a Power. Shell console first. Then we can start retrieving user properties. If you run the following command, you can see a list of all user related propertiesattributes that are available to the get user cmdletget aduser username properties This screenshot has been cut at the CN property, but totally many more properties are listed as wellBy running this command you can get the properties you define for all users in a an OU and for users in its child OUsget aduser searchbase ouuser accounts,dccontoso,dccom searchscope 1 filter properties define properties here in a comma separated list select define properties here in a comma separated list. In this command I am retrieving the name, samaccountname and userprincipalname properties for all users in the User Accounts OU, and presenting them in a table format. At the end I am piping the result to a text file. By setting searchscope to 1, I will limit the search to only that OU. If I wanted to include all of its child OUs, I would have just omitted the searchscope parameter. Ok, so you have been given the task to retrieve, for example, the following information for all users in your domain Full name, username, E mail address, office, and all groups the user is member of. Its also a requirement that the information must be presented in table format in Microsoft Excel. This is how you can go about to achieve that. Run this script to export the information to a csv fileimport module activedirectory get aduser searchbase ouuser accounts,dccontoso,dccom searchscope 1 filter properties name, samaccountname, emailaddress, office, memberof select name, samaccountname, emailaddress, office, nMember. Of e. memberof Get ADObject. Name join, Sort Object Property Name export csv c TempUsers. Encoding UTF8. This will make a csv file, with a comma separated list of all groups the user is member of. Also it will get the group name, and not the distinguished name of the group. Start Microsoft Excel Im using Excel 2. Click on Data. 2. Click on From Text. Sony Playstation 3 Region Code Hack more. Browse to the CSV file you just created, and then click on Import. Choose Delimited, then click Next. Delimiters will be Comma, click on Next. Click on Finish. 2. Data will be imported to existing work sheet, so click OK2. This will give you the following output. To change it to true table format, where you can sort the information alphabetically, click on Home. Click on Format as Table, choose the type of table you want to use, and finally click OK2. Now you will have the information presented in true table format. Save the workbook in. If you rather want to output the distinguishedname of the groups instead of their name, you can use this script insteadimport module activedirectoryget aduser searchbase ouuser accounts,dccontoso,dccom searchscope 1 filter properties name, samaccountname, emailaddress, office, memberof select name, samaccountname, emailaddress, office, nameMember. Of expression. Encoding UTF8. The separator for each Group. DN will then be a semicolon.