Partner Perspectives. Partner Perspectives. Partner Perspectives. White Papers. Current Issue. Digital Transformation Myths Truths. Blackberry Bold 2 Latest Software. Transformation is on every IT organizations to do list, but effectively transforming IT means a major shift in technology as well as business models and culture. NEW YORK NY TIME. October 31, 2017. By John Manly. John Manly is the founding partner of Manly, Stewart Finaldi, Californias leading law firm representing. In this IT Trend Report, we examine some of the misconceptions of digital transformation and look at steps you can take to succeed technically and culturally. State of IT Report. In todays technology driven world, innovation has become a basic expectation. IT leaders are tasked with making technical magic, improving customer experience, and boosting the bottom line yet often without any increase to the IT budget. How are organizations striking the balance between new initiatives and cost control Download our report to learn about the biggest challenges and how savvy IT executives are overcoming them. Video. Sponsored Video. Crack status of protected video games by Dunevo, UWP, etc. Russ. You should already know that attribution is the big enchilada. The T issue is at the margin and only small potatoes. If this exercise is well publicized. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Get the latest science news and technology news, read tech reviews and more at ABC News. U. S. Army refuses to reform its quality as Congress ponders increasing its quantity This is a game of wits and will. Youve got to be learning and adapting. Slideshows. Twitter Feed.