One common error that comes up when using ADFS is logged by Windows as an Event ID 364Encounterd error during federation passive request. There are three. SOLVED WSUS 3. Error, Event ID 1. The server is failing to download some updates. Hi Experts,I have a problem that I have been trying to resolve for the the last fortnight and is pretty close to completely beating me. I have WSUS 3. 2. Windows 2. 00. 8 R2 server some updates download and install fine but a large number fail to download. The only clue to what is causing it is the single error event in the Application log. Event xmlnshttp schemas. System lt Provider NameWindows Server Update Services lt Event. ID Qualifiers0 1. Event. ID lt Level 2lt Level lt Task 7lt Task lt Keywords 0x. Saints Row 2 Pc Fix Download Mac more. Keywords lt Time. Created System. Time2. T1. 3 2. 1 0. 3. Z lt Event. Record. ID 1. Event. Record. ID lt Channel Applicationlt Channel lt Computer Server. Namelt Computer lt Security lt System lt Event. Data lt Data The server is failing to download some updates. Data lt Event. Data lt Event There are no upstream servers or proxies. I have made sure that Network Service has read permissions for the drive where WSUS content is located. The firewall is turned off. I have run the WSUS clean up wizard and rebooted the server. I have set BITS to start automatically on startup and restarted BITS and the WSUS service. I have even tried the WSUS debug tool but couldnt get it to function as I understand it is designed for x. WSUS 2. 0. I am then, stuck.