Hi, Thanks for your posting. You may use Group Policy Preference registry extension to modify registry items. For computers or users, this extension allows. Describes the Windows registry and provides information about how to edit it. Windows 2000 is an operating system for use on both client and server computers. It was produced by Microsoft and released to manufacturing on December 15, 1999, and. IC704909.jpeg' alt='How To Edit Registry In Windows 2012 Datacenter' title='How To Edit Registry In Windows 2012 Datacenter' />I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter virtual machine running in Azure. Recently, one of my disks ran out of space. How can i setup a notification system to. Netwrix makes a freeware version of their visibility platform for data security and risk mitigation available to any organization. Check My File Cancel Trial. Windows Server 2012 NIC Teaming Part 1 Back To Basics Windows Server 2012 NIC Teaming Part 2 Whats What Windows Server 2012 NIC Teaming Part 3. Applies To Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012. This topic provides background information about Active Directory Domain Services in. Downgrade-Windows-Server-2012-Registry-keys.jpg' alt='How To Edit Registry In Windows 2012 Datacenter' title='How To Edit Registry In Windows 2012 Datacenter' />Registry setting for changing macro security to Enable all macrosI have to warn you that it is not recommended to do so. In Office 2. 01. 0, we introduced Trusted Locations, in which will bypass the security settings for these documents that we trusted. For this case, we can educate the users to save the trusted documents to the Trusted Locations, this will be. See Plan Trusted Locations settings for Office 2. How To Edit Registry In Windows 2012 Datacenter' title='How To Edit Registry In Windows 2012 Datacenter' />Still, if you need to disable the macro settings anyway, the entry name has change to VBAWarningsThat would be HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice1. WordSecurityVBAWarningsdword 0. Max Meng. Tech. Net Community Support.