Creating DOS Batch Files. The World of DOS Creating Batch Files. Introduction1History1DOSWin. NTMEXP2. 00. 01Command Index1Navigating DOS2Tips and Tricks2NetworkHarware Utilities3How to make and use bootable floppy disks3Batch Files4Creating Batch Files4Batch file utilities and commands4BREAK. The AUTOEXEC. BAT file4. Types of Batch and System Files4Parameters in batch files4Batch File Library5Subject Index5Helpful DOS Links5What are batch filesMicrosoft included a batch rename feature in the latest version of Windows allowing you to select multiple files, right click on one and select. Ninite tutorial how to install update multiple programs Ninite Website http Subscribe http This video is going to be a. Batch files are not programs, pre se, they are lists of command line instructions that are batched. For the most part, you could manually type in the lines of a batch file and get the same results, but. Batch files do not contain compiled code like C so they can be opened, copied and. They are usually used for simple routines and low level machine instruction, but they can be very powerful. If you. look in your C, C WINDOWS, or C WINNT folder you will see a multitude of. BAT,. SYS,. CFG,. NTCn.png' alt='How To Make A Batch File To Install Programs On Windows' title='How To Make A Batch File To Install Programs On Windows' />INF and other types. These are all. kinds of batch files. This may shock you, but while most applications are writen in Basic or C they sit on a mountain. Hello, all. I am working on a batch file that will copy down required updates to some software in Program Files. Using the XCOPY command. This works fine as long as. How to Make an Exe File. This wikiHow teaches you how to create a basic EXE file on a Windows computer, as well as how to create a container for that file that will. Sometimes its easier to show an example DOS batch file than to explain the general case. First lets take a look at a batch file I created that will just open Excel, Calculator and Firefox NOTE Examples and file paths are from Windows Vista. Batch files are the backbone of the Windows operating system, delete them and youve effectively disabled. OS. There is a reason for this. The system batch files on each computer are unique the that computer and change. The operating system must have access to these files and be able to add and delete instructions. Simple instructions. Open a text editor like notepadNOT word or wordpadType or copy this text. ECHO OFFECHO. ECHO This is a batch file. ECHO. PAUSECLSEXIT. Save this as batchfile. Double click the file icon. This is a little batch file I wrote that I use every day. It deletes the cookies that get dumped. I go online. I could set my browser preferences not to accept cookies, but. Some CGI pages are unusable with cookies, sometimes when you enter. Website, the site uses a cookie to remember your password. I just do not need hundreds. I close my browser. With this batch file, all I have to do. Feel free to cut and paste this code to your Notepad. Wordpad. Save it as cookiekill. Desktop. cls. REM REM Cookie Kill Program Will not work in NTREM deltree y c windowscookies deltree y c windowstempor1 pausecls. REM Cookies deleted What does the batch file doThe first line has the command cls. The next. three lines start with REM for remark. Lines begining with. REM do not contain commands, but instructions or messages that. The next two lines begin with the command. In this case the file is deleting the directory. This directory is automatically rebuilt. The deltree has been passed the parameter y. YES to any confirmation questions. Sometimes you type the DEL or one of its cousins, the system will. Are sure you want to do this setting y answers these. The pause command halts. REM line. tells the user that the files are deleted. The last line contains only end. This version was created to show. The version bellow does. Without REM lines there are no comments. The echo off. command keeps the process from being echoed in the DOS window, and without. In a process this small it is okay to. With more a complex process, more visual. In computing there is fine line between too much and too. When in doubt give the user the oportunity to see what. This version is a little more thurough, deletes alot of junk. ECHO OFFECHO. ECHO. Clean Cookies and Temp Files ECHO. Will not work in NT ECHO. NetscapeUsersdefaultCache NetscapeUsersdefaultCache NetscapeUsersdefaultCache NetscapeUsersdefaultarchiveNetscapeUsersdefaultarchive NetscapeUsersdefaultarchive Recentdeltree y c recycledcls. EXIT. C windowshistorytoday will rebuld itself if you. Its not a file, its a specially. DOS doesnt see. the same way that windows does. C windowshistorytoday doesnt actually exist as DOS. Go into the C windowshistory directory and type. DIRA this will show you the hidden directories and. ECHO OFF ECHO ECHO DEL replaces DELTREE, Q replaces Y ECHO del Q c docume1alluse1Cookies REM Change alluse1 in the above line to your user. IDdel q c winnttempdel q c tempdel q c winntRecentdel q c EXITAdd these lines for XP Provided by Patrick R. C WindowsTempAdware del q C WindowsTempHistory del q C WindowsTempTempor1 del q C WindowsTempCookies One thing I do quite often is erase old floppy disks. I might have a stack. I dont care whats on them, but I want all the files gone including. Snob. But. I get tired of opening a DOS prompt and typing in the command to format the disk. So I wrote a one line batch file that does it for me. Save it as diskwipe. Put a disk in the drive and double click the. Any valid DOS command may be placed in a batch file, these commands are for setting up the structure and flow. Clears the screen. Exits the command line process when the batch file terminates. When turned on, batch file will stop if the user presses lt Ctrl lt Break. Calls another batch file and then returns control to. CALL C WINDOWSNEWBATCHFILE. BAT. Call another program. Details. Allows user input. Default is Y or N. You may make your own choice with the C switch. This batch file displays a menu of three options. Entering 1, 2 or 3. Take note that the IF ERRORLEVEL. CHOICE is not recognized in. NT. ECHO OFFECHO 1 Stars. ECHO 2 Dollar Signs. ECHO 3 Crosses. CHOICE C 1. IF errorlevel 3 goto CRSIF errorlevel 2 goto DLRIF errorlevel 1 goto STR STRECHO ECHO. PAUSECLSEXIT DLRECHO ECHO. PAUSECLSEXIT CRSECHO ECHO. PAUSECLSEXITRuns a specified command for each file in a set of files. FOR dosvar IN set of items DO command or command strcuture. Case sensitive, a is different from A. Can I Download Videos From Ustream App more. The items in the. This code will run through the set A, B, C, when it gets to. B it will print the message B is in the set. FOR b in A, B, C DO IF b B echo B is in the set This line will print the contents of C windowsdesktop. FOR c in C windowsdesktop DO echo c. So, you may create your own list or use various objects like. Details. To go to a different section in a batch file. You may create different sections by preceding. Programmers may find this similar to funtions or sub routines. ECHO OFF FIRSTSECTIONECHO This is the first section. PAUSEGOTO SUBSECTION SUBSECTIONECHO This is the subsection. PAUSESkip sections of a batch file. ECHO OFF ONEECHO This is ONE, well skip TWOPAUSEGOTO THREE TWOECHO This is not printed THREEECHO We skipped TWO PAUSEGOTO END END CLSEXITLooping with GOTO. BEGINREM Endless loop, Help GOTO BEGIN. Use with CHOICE. IF EXIST C tempfile. DEL C tempfile. IF NOT EXIST C tempfile. COPY C WINDOWStempfile. C tempfile. txt. Use with errorlevelThe generic paramater errorlevel refers to the output another program or command and. CHOICE structure. If you try and run a command. For example, lets say you have a batch file that deletes. COPY C file. txt C file. If file. txt doesnt exist, you will get the error COULD NOT FIND C FILE. TXT. Instead, use. STARTCOPY file. txt file. How to Make an Exe File with Pictures1. Open Start. Click the Windows logo in the bottom left corner of the screen. Type iexpress into Start. This will search for the iexpress command. You have to fully type out iexpress in order for iexpress to appear. Click iexpress. It resembles a grey filing cabinet. Youll find this at the top of the Start window. Check the Create new Self Extraction Directive file box. Its in the middle of the page. This option should be checked by default, but if it isnt, check it. Click Next. This is in the bottom right corner of the window. Check the Extract files only box. Its in the middle of the page. Click Next. 8. Enter a name for your EXE file. Type the files name into the text field in the middle of the window, then click Next. Decide whether or not you want to use a text prompt. Click Next to skip using a text prompt, or check Prompt user with and then type a word or phrase into the text box before clicking Next. Using a prompt will cause a window with your typed text to appear to the user of the EXE file. Decide whether or not to use a license. If you dont want to show the EXE user a license agreement that they have to read and agree to, just click Next. If you want to use a license agreement, check the Display a license box, then click Browse, select a text document that contains the license agreement, and click Open. Youll have to click Next to proceed. Click Add. Its below the box in the middle of the window. Doing so will open a new File Explorer window in which you can select files to add to your EXE installer. Files that you add to the EXE installer will be installed for whoever opens the EXE installer. Select files to add. Click a file location on the left side of the File Explorer window, then select files by clicking and dragging the mouse across a group of files you want to use. You can also select files independently by holding Ctrl while clicking individual files. Click Open. Its in the bottom right corner of the window. Doing so adds your files to your EXE installer. You can also add more files after this point by clicking Add again and then selecting more files to add. Click Next. 1. 5Check the Default box, then click Next. This box is at the top of the window. Decide whether or not to include a final message. Once your EXE installer finishes running, you can choose to display a message for the user. To do so, check the Display message box, type in the message you want to use, and click Next. If you want to skip the final message, just click Next. Add the program that you want to install. This is the EXE program that you created earlier. Click Browse, navigate to the files location, click the file, and click Save. You can also check the Hide File Extracting Process Animation from User box to ensure that the EXE installs without much visual input. Click Next three times. This will create the EXE installer. Depending on how many files youre adding to the EXE installer, this process can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Click Finish. Its at the bottom of the window. Doing so will save the file. Your EXE installer is now ready for use.