B2 p. AC DC, tapped. AC adjustable motor, ampacity 4. C p. 2. 86. AC cable, definition 3. AC circuit less than 5. A p. 9. 5AC receptacle 2. AC resistance, Table 9 p. AC snap switch 4. A p. 2. 44. Accelerate their loads 4. B p. 3. 18. 1Acceleration, motor 4. C p. 2. 93. Access to elect. Access to elect. equipment. IAccess to elect. Access to elect. equipment 7. Access to elect. equipment. Access to manholes, dimensions 1. Access, electric equipment 1 1. Accessible, attics 3. Accessible, boxes 3. Accessible, electrode connection 2. A p. 1. 05. Accessible, readily, disconnect AC 4. Accessible, sign transformer 6. A p. 4. 85. Accessible, switches 6 7 4. A p. 2. 43. Accessible, to pedestrians 6. A p. 4. 83. Accessory buildings 2. A2 p. 4. 7Acetone 5. C p. 3. 73. Acid or alkali type. A p. 5. 65. Acrolein 5. A ex. 2 p. 3. 44. Adapter, polarized 4. B3 p. 2. 48. Adapters 2. Adapters, two fers 5. Additional lighting fixtures 1. D p. 3. 7Adequacy 9. B p. 2. 3Adequate access cable tray. Adequate bonding. WN p. 1. 10. Adequate compaction of fill 3. F p. 1. 24. Adjacent light source 1. D p. 3. 74djacent to basin location. Adjustable speed drive. DEF 1. 00 p. 3. 0Adjustable speed drive system 4. Adjustable trip circuit breaker 2. B p. 8. 3Adobe 3. B3 p. 1. 79. Aerial cable 3. Afford no protection 2. CFPN1 p. 8. 0Aggregate 3. Agricultural buildings, wiring 5. Air cond. branch circuit select. A ex. 1 p. 3. 14. Air conditioner cord length 4. Air conditioners, plug connected 4. C p. 3. 19. Air conditioners, room 4. C p. 3 1. 9Air conditioning equipment 4. Air ducts 2. 50. 1. B FPN p. 1. 08. Air handling spaces 3. Air handling spaces, type BLP 8. B p. 6. 23. Air hoses 6. Air moving device 4. FPN p. 2. 74. Air space. D p. 1. 27. Air space, cabinets cutout boxes 3 1. Air voids, romex 3. C2 p. 1. 79. Air, free circulation of 1. B p. 3. 4Air break isolating switch 2. A p. 8. 0Aircraft fuel tanks 5. C p. 3. 91. Aircraft hangars, pit 5. A p. 3. 91. Aircraft hangars, stock rooms 5 1. D p. 3. 91. Aircraft hangars, ventilated 5 1. D p. 3. 91. Airport runways T. Airport runways, cable T. Airspace for nometallic boxes 3. D p. 1. 27. Alarm threshold value 5 1. B1 ex. p. 4. 25. Alarm threshold value 5 1. B2 ex. p. 4. 25. Alarm, burglar 8. Alarm, fire systems 7. Alerting system, alarm 5. C p. 4. 15. Alkali type battery cells 4. B p. 3. 32. Alternate source for emerg. Alternate source power, hospital 5. B p. 4. 19. Aluminum bars, ampacity 3. A p. 2. 02. Aluminum conductors. COf. ALR4. 06. 2C p. Aluminum conductors size 3. Aluminum fittings enclosures 3. Aluminum grounding conductor. A p. 1. 03. Aluminum inhibitor required 1. Aluminum neutral underground 2. Aluminum not magnetic mat. FPN p. 1. 30. Aluminum siding, grounding. FPNp. 1. 10. Amateur trans. C p. 6. 09. Amateur transmitting station T. Ambient temp. exceeds 8. F T. 3. 10. 1. 6 p. Ambient temperature 3. Ambient Temperature 3. Spray Foam Insulation Open and Closed Cell. ABOUT SPRAY FOAM INSULATIONSpray polyurethane foam SPF is better than any other type of insulation at reducing air leakage. With foamed in place insulation, it is relatively easy though not inexpensive to fill wall and ceiling cavities completely. Closed cell spray foam provides a higher R value. Measure of resistance to heat flow the higher the R value, the lower the heat loss. The inverse of U factor. Most spray polyurethane foam is called two component foam. Two ingredientsconventionally called A and B componentsare mixed on site using special equipment mounted in a trailer or truck. Heated hoses convey the components to a mixing gun that sprays the chemicals on the surfaces to be insulated. A chemical reaction begins as soon as the chemicals are mixed. The liquid mixture foams, expands, and eventually hardens. Choose a conscientious installer. Most jobs are for pros. Spray polyurethane foam is usually installed by a spray foam contractor equipped with a truck or trailer to carry the necessary chemicals and spray equipment. For smaller jobs, builders can purchase disposable tanks of two component polyurethane foam. These tanks are sold in various sizes, and range in cost from about 2. For very small jobs, small aerosol cans of one component moisture cured polyurethane foam can be purchased at most building supply stores for about 5 a can. Experience matters. Although spray polyurethane foam has many advantages over other types of insulation, spray foam installation isnt foolproof. Some builders have reported problems with sloppy foam insulation. For example, some installers have been known to begin spraying before the chemical components are up to temperature, which can affect component mixing and foam performance. When components are poorly mixed, or mixed in the wrong ratio or at the wrong temperature, cured foam has been known to shrink away from rafters or studs, leaving cracks. Some installers rush through their spraying, resulting in voids. As with any type of insulationwhether fiberglass batts, cellulose, or spray foamits important to choose an installer with a good reputation to monitor the installers work and to verify that the insulation work meets expectations before making the final payment on the job. Spray foam is messy. GBAGreen. Building. Descargar Microsoft Word Gratis Sin Clave. Advisor. com advisor Michael Chandler provided memorable advice to builders contemplating their first spray foam job in his February 2. Fine Homebuilding article, Prepping for Spray Foam. As the foam is sprayed, small expanding droplets of foam end up in the air. This stuff gets in your hair, on your skin and clothes, and all over any building materials or tools inside the house. I once failed to warn a homeowner of the mess. He was excited to capture the spray foam insulation process with his video camera. He got only a small amount of footage and never got to use the camera again. The best bet is to get everybody whos not part of the foam crew out of the house. Have some helpers nearby to watch the installation, and be ready with drop cloths, tape, and caulk to stop or catch any drips that find their way to the exterior of the house. OPEN CELL FOAMHalf pound foam, also known as open cell foam, has a density of about 0. R value. Measure of resistance to heat flow the higher the R value, the lower the heat loss. The inverse of U factor. Open cell foam is relatively vapor permeable. Three inches of open cell foam have a permeance of 1. Some of the low density foams are made in part from bio based raw materials for example, soybean oils in place of a portion of the petrochemicals. Open cell foams use water or carbon dioxide as the blowing agent. Compared with closed cell polyurethane, open cell products use significantly less material, making them attractive from a resource use standpoint. However, open cell foams have a lower R value per inch than closed cell foams. Open cell foam often requires an interior vapor retarder. When used to create a cathedralized attic. An unvented attic with insulation installed between the rafters or above the roof sheathing. Moving the insulation from the attic floor to the roof plane turns the attic into conditioned or semi conditioned space this is especially beneficial in homes with attic ductwork. The term cathedralized attic usually refers to an attic that does not include finished space. Recent research has shown that vapor retarder paint is ineffective when sprayed directly onto cured foam insulation, so cold climate builders who dont plan to cover the spray foam with a layer of drywall should stick with closed cell spray foam. Open cell foam is riskier than closed cell foam when it is installed on the underside of roof sheathing. Material, usually plywood or oriented strand board OSB, but sometimes wooden boards, installed on the exterior of wall studs, rafters, or roof trusses siding or roofing installed on the sheathingsometimes over strapping to create a rainscreen. Evidence is accumulating that roof sheathing can get wet when open cell foam is sprayed directly against the underside of roof sheathing. For more information on this problem, see Open Cell Spray Foam and Damp Roof Sheathing. CLOSED CELL FOAMTwo pound foam, also known as closed cell foam, has a density of about 2 lb. R value of 6 to 6. Two pound foam is significantly more expensive than half pound foam. Closed cell foam is a vapor retarder. Two and a half inches of closed cell foam have a permeance of 0. The blowing agents in most types of closed cell spray polyurethane foam are hydrofluorocarbons HFCs with a high global warming potential. Because the global warming potential of these damaging blowing agents is 1,4. For more information, see Calculating the Global Warming Impact of Insulation. Some insulation contractors install a thin layer of closed cell spray foam in conjunction with fiberglass batts. For more information on this method, see Why Flash and Batt Makes Sense. FURTHER RESOURCESPrepping for Spray Foam by Michael Chandler, Fine Homebuilding, FebruaryMarch 2. Spray Foam What Do You Really Know by Rob Yagid, Fine Homebuilding, JuneJuly 2. Avoiding the Global Warming Impact of Insulation. Calculating the Global Warming Impact of Insulation. Thermal Barriers and Ignition Barriers for Spray Foam. Install Recessed Lighting Without Attic Access Video Inc© 2017