Get the best tech deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable tech news and more Direct YouTube Downloader allows you to download videos from YouTube, including Ultra HD 4K, 1080p and 720p videos. The program is easy to use, just. Google Shuts Down a YouTube to MP3 Converter Site, But Legal Video to MP3 Converters Remain Fair Play. Real. Player You. Tube Video to MP3 Converter. Updated March 2. 01. Is Easy Mp3 Downloader Legal Advice' title='Is Easy Mp3 Downloader Legal Advice' />The video sharing website You. Tube is the third most popular site on the Internet, streaming a staggering four billion videos every day. That popularity, however, is not all wine and roses and piano playing cats. Of those four billion You. Tube videos viewed daily, many are copyrighted material provided by media businesses for people to view on You. Tube. Record labels, television networks, and movie studios are not particularly happy about all this copyright violation among You. Torrentz domain names are for sale. Send an offer to contactinventoris. Working with headphones on usually means youd rather not be bothered, but sometimes it means youre just listening to something while you work. If you want to be. Tube users. As a result, You. Tube is stepping up their efforts to prevent copyright infringement and their first target is a slew of websites that provide a You. Tube to MP3 converter. That said, if you want to convert You. Tube video to MP3 files, you can do so provided that the material is not copyrighted and you are only using the MP3 file for your own personal use. If the file is downloadable, Real. Player will automatically store the file in your library for personal viewing. Heroes Of Might And Magic 4 Cd Crack Repair here. Is Easy Mp3 Downloader Legal Advice' title='Is Easy Mp3 Downloader Legal Advice' />YOUTUBE MP3. ORG STOPS CONVERTING VIDEO TO MP3 FILES. Coincidentally, Download. CNET, which is owned by CBS. Copyright pirates could theoretically steal copyrighted CBS television shows on the companys You. Tube channel using tools they downloaded from a CBS owned property. This is not an isolated incident. Just days later, the Recording Industry Association of America RIAA asked the popular site Download. MP3 software. The RIAA released a statement complaining that, Download. Download. com is profiting from this infringement through advertisements and other ways it derives revenue when people use the site to download these applications. Download. Its important to remember that many uses of copyrighted material are considered legal under the fair use doctrine to U. S. copyright law. The fair use doctrine makes exceptions for non infringing purposes like news reporting, research, education or just for laughs. Consider You. Tubes first big legal copyright challenge, a 2. Prince song Lets Go Crazy. Universal Music Group, the copyright holder of that hit song, sued the babys mom for copyright violation. A judge ruled in favor of the mom and the baby, citing fair use, and the videos view counter went from just 2. HOW TO USE REALPLAYER TO DOWNLOAD A VIDEO THEN CONVERT TO MP3. Go to your favorite video website and play a video. Vimeo, Youtube, Metacafe, Videosift are all excellent choices for popular web video content. Real. Player Downloader tool will automatically find the video embedded on the webpage to download. You will see it flashing at the top of your browser. The Download this video button appears. Click it to begin downloading. You can copy paste the URL into the downloader prompt too. If multiple videos are embedded on the webpage. You can find that popular web video in your real player library once finished. The Library should now be open and youre ready to use the built in video to MP3 converter. In the left panel of the screen, click Convert To. This opens the Real. Player Converter. You can then drag the video from the library that you want to convert into MP3 into the box and it will add it to the list of videos to be converted. Click to Select a Device and choose MP3 Audio Only and click OK. Press the green Start button. Real. Players built in video to MP3 converter does the rest. Convert Videos To MP3 Now Want a free and easy way to convert videos to MP3 Download Real. Player and turn videos into MP3 audio files for your personal use. Download Real. Player for MP3 converter. What do you think about converting videos to MP3 Were you aware of the copyright issues Let us know in the comments below. Muzzle Automatically Disables OS X Notifications When You Screen Share. When youre sharing your screen for a business or school presentation, you dont want any notifications popping up, like a sext, a calendar notification for your therapist appointment, or a Slack DM about the problem client youre currently presenting to. You could hit Do Not Disturb, but what if you forget While Windows 1. OS X doesnt. The free app Muzzle fixes that. Muzzle mutes notifications while you screen share with Slack, Google Hangouts, join. Skype. It sits quietly in your menu bar and uses zero memory when youre not screen sharing, says its developer Bryan D K Jones. As depicted above, the apps download page displays an endless array of humiliating notifications you might want to avoid. If Joness fake notifications are funny to you, keep an eye out for the prank app he says hes working on, which will deliver them to your actual desktop. By the way, the apps tiny interface includes a goofy button labeled Mach Override. Go ahead and push it it doesnt actually do anything. Which seems like a foolhardy joke to make in an anti embarrassment app, so were warning you here.