Identification SystemeditExample of an ISO 6. Owner CodeeditThe owner code consists of three capital letters of the Latin alphabet to indicate the owner or principal operator of the container. Such code needs to be registered at the Bureau International des Conteneurs in Paris to ensure uniqueness worldwide. Owner can apply for more than one code, as normally first 2 letters are used as owner code, the third is used to indicate pool e. HLA,HLB,HLX are some HapagLloyd codes to indicate whether container is standard, reefer. Equipment Category IdentifiereditThe equipment category identifier consists of one of the following capital letters of the Latin alphabet U for all freight containers. J for detachable freight container related equipment. Z for trailers and chassis. Microsoft Excel File Format Is Invalid Foxpro Game CallsUnder the ISO code, then, only U, J, and Z are in use. The reefer container is identified by means of the size type code. Serial NumbereditThe serial number consists of 6 numeric digits, assigned by the owner or operator, uniquely identifying the container within that owneroperators fleet. ISO 6346 is an international standard covering the coding, identification and marking of intermodal shipping containers used within containerized intermodal freight. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. Microsoft Excel File Format Is Invalid Foxpro Game CallerCheck DigiteditThe check digit consists of one numeric digit providing a means of validating the recording and transmission accuracies of the owner code and serial number. Conversion AlgorithmeditTo compute the check digit, the letters have to be converted to numbers. This is done in three steps Calculation Step 1editAn equivalent numerical value is assigned to each letter of the alphabet, beginning with 1. A 1. 1 and multiples thereof are omitted ABCDEFGHIJKLM1. NOPQRSTUVWXYZ2. 52. The individual digits of the serial number keep their numeric value. Calculation Step 2editEach of the numbers calculated in step 1 is multiplied by 2position, where position is the exponent to base 2. Position starts at 0, from left to right. The following table shows the multiplication factors 1. Calculation Step 3editSum up all results of Step 2. Divide them by 1. Round the result down to zero i. Multiply the integer value by 1. Subtract result of iv from result of i This is the check digit. If the final difference is 1. To ensure that this does not happen, the standard recommends that serial numbers should not be used which produce a final difference of 1. Notice that step ii to v is a calculation of the remainder found after division of i by 1. Most programming languages have a modulo operator for this. Attention should be paid on how it is working in the language chosen i. In step 1 the numbers 1. ExampleeditCSQU3. Calc. 1. 33. 02. 83. Division by 1. 1 5. Erase decimal digits 5. Multiply by 1. 1 6. Check Digit 3. Code SampleseditThe following are the algorithm in various programming languages Code Sample Ceditpublicint. Calculatestringequipment. NumberDetails on algorithm can be found here https en. ISO6. 34. 6CheckDigitStep 1 varnumericsequipment. Number. Selectc 0. A BCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Index. Ofc Step 2, Step 3ivartotal. String. Valuenumerics. Accurate Buy Sell Signal Software Mcx India. Selectn,index Math. Pow2,indexn. Sumx intx Step 3ii,iii,iv, vvarretvaltotal. String. Value1. 1 returnretval1. Code Sample MatlabeditBelow is a code Snippet implementing the above algorithm in MATLAB validating string cid Step 1 char. A1 letters to numbers conversioncidmskcidmsk 11 digit characters to numbers conversionvecdoublecid Step 2numsumvec1 1. Step 3checkdigitmodmodnum,1. Code Sample DELPH or pascaleditfunctionkntx String Boolean vardizi ArrayA. Zof. Integer acc,ax Extended i,remx,s integer z Boolean beginz False diziA 1. B 1. 2 diziC 1. D 1. E 1. F 1. 6 diziG 1. H 1. 8 diziI 1. J 2. K 2. L 2. 3 diziM 2. N 2. 5 diziO 2. P 2. Q 2. R 2. 9 diziS 3. T 3. 1 diziU 3. V 3. W 3. X 3. 6 diziY 3. Z 3. 8 acc 0 s 0 fori 1to. Str. To. Intxi acc accax end remx Flooraccmod. Lengthx1. 1andremxStr. To. Intx1. 1thenz True Result z end Code Sample Visual BasiceditBelow is the Visual Basic VBA code to create a custom ISO6. Check function in Microsoft Excel Alt F1. Function. ISO6. 34. Checkk. As. String Calculates the ISO Shipping Container Check Digit. Dimi,s Application. Volatile. Fori1. To. IIfilt 5,Fix1. AscMidk,i 5. AscMidk,i 4. Nexti. ISO6. 34. 6Checks Fixs1. Mod. 10. End. Function. Code Sample PythoneditBelow is Python 2. CSQU3. 05. 43. 83 first. A 1. 0,B 1. 2,C 1. D 1. 4,E 1. 5,F 1. G 1. 7. H 1. I 1. J 2. 0,K 2. L 2. 3,M 2. N 2. O 2. 6. P 2. Q 2. 8,R 2. 9,S 3. T 3. 1,U 3. 2,V 3. W 3. 5. X 3. Y 3. Z 3. 8. True. Code Sample JavascripteditBelow is the Javascript code to create a custom ISO6. Check function. ISO6. Checkconif Upper. Case varreA Z4d7 ifre. A BCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Ofcon. Math. pow2,i 2isumn ifcon. HLCUsum 2 sum1. Areturnsumcon. Code Sample ExceleditBelow is an Excel Formula to validate container number in Cell A1citation needed. IFLENA11. 1,IFMIDA1,1. SUBSTITUTEIFMIDA1,1,1A,1. IFMIDA1,1,1B,1. IFMIDA1,1,1C,1. IFMIDA1,1,1D,1. IFMIDA1,1,1E,1. IFMIDA1,1,1F,1. IFMIDA1,1,1G,1. IFMIDA1,1,1H,1. IFMIDA1,1,1I,1. IFMIDA1,1,1J,2. IFMIDA1,1,1K,2. IFMIDA1,1,1L,2. IFMIDA1,1,1M,2. IFMIDA1,1,1N,2. IFMIDA1,1,1O,2. IFMIDA1,1,1P,2. IFMIDA1,1,1Q,2. IFMIDA1,1,1R,2. IFMIDA1,1,1S,3. IFMIDA1,1,1T,3. IFMIDA1,1,1U,3. IFMIDA1,1,1V,3. IFMIDA1,1,1W,3. IFMIDA1,1,1X,3. IFMIDA1,1,1Y,3. IFMIDA1,1,1Z,3. FALSE. IFMIDA1,2,1A,1. IFMIDA1,2,1B,1. IFMIDA1,2,1C,1. IFMIDA1,2,1D,1. IFMIDA1,2,1E,1. IFMIDA1,2,1F,1. IFMIDA1,2,1G,1. IFMIDA1,2,1H,1. IFMIDA1,2,1I,1. IFMIDA1,2,1J,2. IFMIDA1,2,1K,2. IFMIDA1,2,1L,2. IFMIDA1,2,1M,2. IFMIDA1,2,1N,2. IFMIDA1,2,1O,2. IFMIDA1,2,1P,2. IFMIDA1,2,1Q,2. IFMIDA1,2,1R,2. IFMIDA1,2,1S,3. IFMIDA1,2,1T,3. IFMIDA1,2,1U,3. IFMIDA1,2,1V,3. IFMIDA1,2,1W,3. IFMIDA1,2,1X,3. IFMIDA1,2,1Y,3. IFMIDA1,2,1Z,3. FALSEIFMIDA1,3,1A,1. IFMIDA1,3,1B,1. IFMIDA1,3,1C,1. IFMIDA1,3,1D,1. IFMIDA1,3,1E,1. IFMIDA1,3,1F,1. IFMIDA1,3,1G,1. IFMIDA1,3,1H,1. IFMIDA1,3,1I,1. IFMIDA1,3,1J,2. IFMIDA1,3,1K,2. IFMIDA1,3,1L,2. IFMIDA1,3,1M,2. IFMIDA1,3,1N,2. IFMIDA1,3,1O,2. IFMIDA1,3,1P,2. IFMIDA1,3,1Q,2. IFMIDA1,3,1R,2. IFMIDA1,3,1S,3. IFMIDA1,3,1T,3. IFMIDA1,3,1U,3.