Security Researchers Discover Spammer List of Over 7. Million Email Accounts. An unknown hacker has gathered up to 7. Netherlands, ZDNet reported. Commercial space tourism company Blue Origin, and its overlord Jeff Bezos, have been pretty quiet over the last few months. But last week, the Amazon founder made his. Portable XLR Recorder optional If you plan on using analog microphones for your podcast, youll need something that captures your analog audio and converts it to. Android Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California in October 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White. Rubin described the Android project as. Nick Douglas. Staff Writer, Lifehacker Nick has been writing online for 11 years at sites like Urlesque, Gawker, the Daily Dot, and Slacktory. The server contains passwords to both email addresses and servers which are apparently being used to send large amounts of spam through legitimate accounts, thereby bypassing filters. A Paris based researcher using the pseudonym Benkow first brought the list to the attention of Troy Hunt, the web security expert best known for running Have I Been Pwned, a site which alerts users to breached accounts. In a post on his website, Hunt wrote the server hosting the spam accounts was inexplicably left unprotected and publicly accessible as of Tuesday, and he had already contacted authorities in an attempt to get it scrubbed from the web. Hunt was quick to note many of the email addresses appeared to have been scraped off the web or aggregated from other sources, so whilst the 7. But the overall amount of data in the breach was mind boggling, he added, and it took Have I Been Pwned 1. Instructions On How To Install Jeep Cherokee Nerf Bars. According to ZDNet, the unknown parties behind the server were using the list in coordination with the Onliner spambot to distribute the Ursnif malware, which is capable of stealing large amounts of data from browsers and software particularly banking info. As Benkow explained, the list includes a huge list of SMTP credentialsin the neighborhood of 8. The emails sent appeared to include an almost invisible 1x. GIF. If a user opens the email, Benkow wrote, a request with your IP and your User Agent will be sent to the server that hosts the GIF. With these information, the spammer is able to know when you have opened the email, from where and on which device. That information is necessary to create a slimmed down list of potential secondary targetsthe people who would be hit with second emails containing malware. Yet another reminder not to open spam. According to Hunt, hes added the email addresses listed in the server to Have I Been Pwned, making it easy as pie to check whether any email address has possibly been compromised. So go do it. ZDNet.