Activities for Your Kids Writing Club. One of my favorite extracurricular homeschool activities was leading a monthly home school writers club. We called ourselves Writing Nerds because thats what we were a group who loved reading and were interested in writing. Our group was made up of junior high and high school homeschoolers. We met for an hour and a half each month. If you like reading, and know the basics of fiction writing, consider starting a group. Here are some activities to get your kids writing group started Minute Story Give each student each three slips of paper. On the first they have to write a personcharacter. On the second they have to write a setting. On the third they have to write a conflict. I had a basket for each characters, setting, conflict, and they tossed them all in. Then they had to draw one slip of paper out of each basket. I told them they had to Open with dialogue in paragraph 1. Describe the action in paragraph 2. Then they could describe the setting in paragraph 3. After that they could continue with the story as they saw fit. They then read the stories out loud, and they were HILARIOUS I still remember one was about a nun who had to bail from a plane that was crashing in Paris. Teaching Dialogue To teach dialogue I used plays such as mixed up fairy tales. Here are some free ones freeschoolplays. Mountain City System information, code of conduct, and links to schools. We assigned parts and read sections of them out loud. Then I had them write the dialogue of the same characters in a different situation. For example, what if Baby Bear in the three bears showed up at the first day of school and his seat mate was Goldilocks Color Coding I photocopied the first pages of a novelsuch as Kingdoms Dawn by Chuck Blackand gave everyone a copy and crayons. Red for action. Green for dialogue. Yellow for internal thoughts. Orange for description. Pink for emotion. This really helped them see how novels are not just narrative this happened, then that happened, etc. Sometimes I had them write their own story following the same color pattern. State Board Of Nursing License Lookup Pa Attorney. The results were impressive. Sometimes we colored the openings to two different novels and then compared the authors writing style. Snowflake Method We used Randy Ingermansons Snowflake Method and plotted a novel. You can learn more about the Snow. Paragraph Writing Activities High School' title='Paragraph Writing Activities High School' />Flake method here. Likes 1 Dislike We assigned people to bring short stories or parts of their book to class every week. They had a limit of 1,0. We passed around the story and gave eight to ten minutes for them to read the story. Then everyone had to go around and share three things they liked and one thing they didnt like. I was the last to comment after everyone was done, and I did the same but I usually gave two or three suggestions about ways they could improve their story. I was amazed how insightful the students were. The majority of the time they discovered all the issues by the time it got to me. Sensory Exercise I had a collection of objectssteel wool, sponge, a plant, coins, etc. Then they had to use that same description and describe something elsefor example the description for steel wool became the description for a nights armor. Those are a few ideas to get you started. High and low level high school ESL lesson plans, activities and resources. Best write my essay service that guarantees timely delivery. Order online academic paper help for students. Professionally researched quality custom written. Turnitin creates tools for K12 and higher education that improve writing and prevent plagiarism. Turnitins formative feedback and originality checking services. Before beginning the lesson on how to write a characterization paragraph, review the four basic types of characters Dynamic characters they change during the story. A writing club is great fun and educational, too More Resources Homeschooling for the Rest of Us by Sonya Haskins. Homeschooling 1. 01 by Erica Ardnt. Are you new here You might want to subscribe to my email updates, or follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, or Instagram. Part I IntroductionWhat inspired my argumentative response For decades, too many highschool teachers have been instilling persuasive writing skills by. Effectively teach elementary and middle school writing. Teach paragraphs, essays, and reports quickly and easily. Teach strategies that improve student writing. Alcona Glen Elementary School is a JK 8 school located in Innisfil, Ontario. We are a part of the Simcoe County District School Board. High school word lists from VocabularySpellingCity for use with interactive games and printable worksheets to practice vocabulary, writing, and spelling.