Build a Raspberry Pi Happiness Tracker to Log Morale. If youre still using the offices water cooler to judge your offices morale, you might need an upgrade. Sometimes keeping track of how you feel can be as simple as pressing a button. Thats what SEO specialist and programmer Katja Budnikov accomplished after constructing an office happiness tracker during her companys hackathon. Buy Now Pay Later Software Downloads on this page. With a Raspberry Pi, LEDs, and four buttons, the happiness tracker records four emotional states ranging from super good to bad. The button push is recorded and appears in Grafana, a database visualization tool. Theres a 5 second delay after every button push to mitigate falsified results. Katja placed the happiness tracker near her office entrance to track the moods of employees coming into work or leaving at the days end. Raspberry Pi Python Gpio Pdf Viewer' title='Raspberry Pi Python Gpio Pdf Viewer' />Brushing your teeth only takes a couple minutes, and so does increasing your happiness. Heres aRead more Read. Tracking your happiness, or emotions in general, can help you identify patterns in your behavior that affect your emotional state. If youre always waking up in a grumpy mood, having a record of your grumpy state recorded for a period of time can help you figure out the culprit, make changes thatll boost your mood or help you appreciate the mornings. And if youre managing a team of people, tracking morale can give you valuable information about your teams state of mind, and positive changes that you may want to implement. Raspberry Pi Tracks Office Happiness Hackaday. Adafruit Industries, Unique fun DIY electronics and kits Raspberry Pi 2 Model B v1. ARM CortexA53 with 1G RAM ID 2358 Didnt think the Raspberry Pi could. Looking up directions on Google Maps is a little clunky on the desktop. You have to select your starting location, your destination, and your method of transport. But. Most of the Einhugur plugins for Xojo can do all desktop targets that Xojo supports, including the new 64 bit targets and ARM Raspberry PI target.