Z as Bluetooth stack. Blue. Z deals with pure Bluetooth tasks pairingconnectionSo, Blue. Z needs additional SW components for audio management. First Linux audio manager that comes to mind is ALSABut, Blue. Z v. 5. 0 doesnt support ALSA anymore. Instead, Blue. Z is now using Pulse. Audio 5. 0And, Pulse. Audio still uses ALSAAgainBefore Blue. Z ALSANow Blue. Z Pulse. Audio ALSAQ What does this mean in command lineBrief This beginners guide shows you what you can do with aptget commands in Linux, how to use it to find new packages, install and upgrade new packages and. This is part 3 of the ZenCash Secure Node guides. It includes everything in Part 1, part 2, and part 2. It is not necessary to go back and. Ubuntu Reference Privileges sudo command run command as root sudo s open a root shell sudo s u user open a shell as user sudo k forget sudo passwords. This article explains how quickly you can learn to install, remove, update and search software packages using aptget and aptcache commands from the command. Just a quick reminder that the biweekly breakfast event takes place tomorrow morning November 18th. See further down on this site for map location and other details. If you only want to stream audio A2DP, read my other post Connect Bluetooth Headset To Raspberry Pi 3 AD2P only. Brief This article explains the difference between apt and aptget commands of Linux. It also lists some of the most commonly used apt commands that replace the. What is the difference between aptget update and aptget upgrade Which should I run first Do any of them automatically run the otherAll Blue. Z tutorials and tips where you see ALSA commands aplay, arecord, are now useless. Thats not all the story AgainA2. DP Blue. Z Pulse. Audio 5 ALSAHSP Blue. Z Pulse. Audio 6 ALSAHFP Blue. Z o. Fono Pulse. Audio 6 ALSAFor those who dont know the difference between A2. DPHSPHFP A2. DP, Advanced Audio Distribution Profile, for high audio quality, as normal speakers. E. g. Music streaming. HSP, Headset Profile, the device exchanges inout audio and some basic AT commands. E. g. Vo. IP call. HFP, Hands Free Profile, the device acts as a phone, so it exchanges audio inout and telephony commands. E. g. Hands Free mode in car. Ill do it in that incremental order, A2. DP, then HSP, and last HFP. After this long synopsis, lets put the pieces together. Step 0 Start with a clean base. I recommend starting with a fresh Raspbian Jessie, in order to avoid any existing configuration files, the need to purge packages, etc. Updateupgrade it sudo apt get updatesudo apt get upgradesudo apt get autoremovesudo reboot. Check the versions of packages dpkg l pulseaudio. Version 5. 0 1. WARNING Raspbian repository is still using Pulse. Audio 5dpkg l bluez. Version 5. 2. 3 2rpi. WARNING Raspbian repository is now using Bluez 5. These small details can save you lot of time. Raspbian Jessie out of box supports only A2. DP with Pulse. Audio. BluezPulse. Audio link is done by the module pulseaudio module bluetooth apt get it if neededsudo apt get install pulseaudio module bluetooth. At this line we have everything to set up A2. DP profile connection. Step 1 Connect the Bluetooth headset A2. DPMost of the time GUI Bluetooth tools will do it, but regarding all the core changes I mentioned above for each layer, I personally dont advice you to use anyone, I tested Blueman, Blue. Devil not only it will not work, but you will not get any information or logs about the errors. So I will show you how to do it using bluetoothctl part of Blue. ZTip Use dedicated console for Bluetooth and keep it open. Start bluetoothctl. Turn on Bluetooth controller power on. Start the agent agent on. Request default agent default agent. Turn on the headset, for mine I press and hold till I see the white blinking LED. Start the scan scan on. After some seconds, you will see the headset name and MAC address. Pair it pair xx xx xx xx xx xx. Trust it trust xx xx xx xx xx xx. Connect it connect xx xx xx xx xx xx. If, at this stage, the headset is still connected, you are very lucky. If the headset is disconnected right after connection, this is the normal problem. Q How to know that the headset is disconnected Mine emits 2 short beeps. You can also see it in the console CHG Device xx xx xx xx xx xx Connected no. Check current processes running PA instancesps aux grep pulseaudiopi 9. S 0. 9 3. 5 0 0. S 1. 1 0. 2 0 0. Great, the problem is that no Pulse. Audio daemon is running, so start one pulseaudio startIn other cases, the problem can be the opposite, you will find that Pulse. Audio was started and monopolized by other services. Ill talk about this later at the end of the postNow try again to connect the headset, it should work this time. Lets go back to Pulse. Audio, display current sound cards. Youll find two, the built in one of Raspberry Pi, and the headset one bluezcard. Two things to know about Pulse. Audio Sinks The audio outputs. Sources The audio inputs. To see them pacmd list sinkspacmd list sources. We want that the headset becomes default sink pacmd set default sink bluezsink. Download and play a sound, you will hear it from the headphone P tmppaplay tmph. In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad move. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Step 2 Ongoing Connect the Bluetooth headset HSPAs said before, HSP profile is supported with Pulse. Audio 6 and newer. The only solution that I see here is to build Pulse. Audio from Git sources. ONGOING WORK Im currently trying to build Pulse. Audio by following official instructions here https www. SoftwarePulse. AudioDocumentationDeveloperPulse. Audio. From. Git As soon as I do it properly, Ill post it. If you did it, please share your steps Update 0. Im able to build Pulse. Audio from sources with some limitations, see below instructions FYI, I tried Arch Linux ARM, dont waste your time, Bluetooth support is NOK too. I choose to build the version 6 to avoid unwanted new features that may need extra work and dependencies. This method was done with the latest Raspbian Jessie Lite 2. This version comes without pre installed Pulse. Audio, but if you are using the default Raspbian image or the one installed with NOOBS, purge it sudo apt get purge pulseaudio. Start as usual by updatingupgrading the system sudo apt get updatesudo apt get upgrade. Download the sources from Freedesktop. Unzip and go to the directory tar xvf pulseaudio 6. Run bootstrap script. I will sum up here all errors I encountered in case people search them by copypaste. Unable to find libltdl version 2. Makes sure you have libtool 2. Use without caps to disable capabilities support. No package json c found. No package sndfile found. So install all above libraries sudo apt get install intltool libtool libcap dev libjson. The script should now ends correctly, and in the command line you can see a table of the configuration done, with enableddisabled parts. On my side udev, bluez. X1. 1, systemd, were not enabled, so I installed additional libraries sudo apt get install libudev dev libsbc dev libbluetooth dev libx. Re do the. bootstrap, now missing parts are enabled. The Far Side Screen Saver Collection Macintosh Os. Then, make and install PA6 this will take some time, take a coffee. The last command to avoid some errors of shared libs not found. After this you can start PA daemon pulseaudio Dorpulseaudio start. Check if it is running ps aux grep pulse. Start another command line window and connect your headset like explained for A2. DP before. Go back to the first command line and window check existing audio cards pacmd list cards. Your headset should be here as second card bluezcard. You can see all information, including supported profiles a.