Patent US5. 79. 71. Motor vehicle monitoring system for determining a cost of insurance. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention relates to data acquisition and processing systems, and particularly to a system for monitoring motor vehicle operational characteristics and driver behavior to obtain increased amounts of data relating to the safety of use for purposes of providing a more accurate determination of a cost of insurance for the vehicle. Conventional methods for determining costs of motor vehicle insurance involve gathering relevant historical data from a personal interview with the applicant for the insurance and by referencing the applicants public motor vehicle driving record that is maintained by a governmental agency, such as a Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Such data results in a classification of the applicant to a broad actuarial class for which insurance rates are assigned based upon the empirical experience of the insurer. Many factors are relevant to such classification in a particular actuarial class, such as age, sex, marital status, location of residence and driving record. The current system of insurance creates groupings of vehicles and drivers actuarial classes based on the following types of classifications. Vehicle Age manufacturer, model andvalue. Driver Age sex marital status driving record based on government reports,violations citations at fault accidents andplace of residence. Coverage Types of losses covered,liability,uninsured motorist,comprehensive, andcollision liability limits anddeductibles. The classifications, such as age, are further broken into actuarial classes, such as 2. For example, the following information would produce a unique vehicle insurance cost. Vehicle Age 1. Ford, Explorer XLTvalue 1. Driver Age 3. Coverage Types of losses coveredliability yesuninsured motorist nocomprehensive yescollision yesliability limits 1. A change to any of this information would result in a different premium being charged, if the change resulted in a different actuarial class for that variable. Articles/249179/fmicb-08-02031-HTML/image_m/fmicb-08-02031-t002.jpg' alt='System Optimize Expert 3 2 8 8 18' title='System Optimize Expert 3 2 8 8 18' />Articles. The Secure Password and Credit Card Manager You Shouldnt Be Without. The Secure Password and Credit Card Manager You Shouldnt Be Without In recent. Diabetes mellitus is a complex, chronic illness requiring continuous medical care with multifactorial risk reduction strategies beyond glycemic control. Ongoing. The Brattle Group provides consulting services and expert testimony in economics, finance, and regulation to corporations, law firms, and governments around the world. By Dr. Becker. In the fourth installment of this 4part series find the first three installments here part 1, part 2, part 3, Dr. Becker continues her discussion. Iron Dome Hebrew, kippat barzel is a mobile allweather air defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and. For instance, a change in the driversage from 3. However, a change in driver age from 3. Current insurance rating systems also provide discounts and surcharges for some types of use of the vehicle, equipment on the vehicle and type of driver. What is XSLT This specification defines the syntax and semantics of the XSLT 2. The term stylesheet reflects the fact that one of the important roles. A method and system of determining a cost of automobile insurance based upon monitoring, recording and communicating data representative of operator and vehicle. HP needs 68 weeks to ship additional TouchPads, according to a leaked email sent to customers. HP is prepping one last run for its defunct tablet. System Optimize Expert 3 2 8 8 18' title='System Optimize Expert 3 2 8 8 18' />Common surcharges and discounts include Surcharges Business use. Discounts Safety equipment on the vehicleairbags, andantilock brakes theft control devicespassive systems e. The Club, andalarm system anddriver typegood student, andsafe driver accident free. A principal problem with such conventional insurance determination systems is that much of the data gathered from the applicant in the interview is not verifiable, and even existing public records contain only minimal information, much of which has little relevance towards an assessment of the likelihood of a claim subsequently occurring. In other words, current rating systems are primarily based on past realized losses. None of the data obtained through conventional systems necessarily reliably predicts the manner or safety of future operation of the vehicle. Accordingly, the limited amount of accumulated relevant data and its minimal evidential value towards computation of a fair cost of insurance has generated a long felt need for an improved system for more reliably and accurately accumulating data having a highly relevant evidential value towards predicting the actual manner of a vehicles future operation. Many types of vehicle operating data recording systems have heretofore been suggested for purposes of maintaining an accurate record of certain elements of vehicle operation. Some are suggested for identifying the cause for an accident, others are for more accurately assessing the efficiency of operation. Such systems disclose a variety of conventional techniques for recording vehicle operation data elements in a variety of data recording systems. Advanced Ip Scanner 2 2 224 Portable Generators. In addition, it has also been suggested to provide a radio communication link for such information via systems such as a cellular telephone to provide immediate communication of certain types of data elements or to allow a more immediate response in cases such as theft, accident, break down or emergency. It has even been suggested to detect and record seatbelt usage to assist in determination of the vehicle insurance costs U. S. Pat. No. 4,6. 67,3. The various forms and types of vehicle operating data acquisition and recordal systems that have heretofore been suggested and employed have met with varying degrees of success for their express limited purposes. All possess substantial defects such that they have only limited economical and practical value for a system intended to provide an enhanced acquisition, recordal and communication system of data which would be both comprehensive and reliable in predicting an accurate and adequate cost of insurance for the vehicle. Since the type of operating information acquired and recorded in prior art systems was generally never intended to be used for determining the cost of vehicle insurance, the data elements that were monitored and recorded therein were not directly related to predetermined safety standards or the determining of an actuarial class for the vehicle operator. For example, recording data characteristics relevant to the vehicles operating efficiency may be completely unrelated to the safety of operation of the vehicle. Further, there is the problem of recording and subsequently compiling the relevant data for an accurate determination of an actuarial profile and an appropriate insurance cost therefor. Current motor vehicle control and operating systems comprise electronic systems readily adaptable for modification to obtain the desired types of information relevant to determination of the cost of insurance. Vehicle tracking systems have been suggested which use communication links with satellite navigation systems for providing information describing a vehicles location based upon navigation signals. When such positioning information is combined with roadmaps in an expert system, vehicle location is ascertainable. Mere vehicle location, though, will not provide data particularly relevant to safety of operation unless the data is combined with other relevant data in an expert system which is capable of assessing whether the roads being driven are high risk or low risk with regard to vehicle safety. The present invention contemplates a new and improved motor vehicle monitoring, recording and communication system, which primarily overcomes the problem of determining cost of vehicle insurance based upon data which does not take into consideration how a specific vehicle is operated. The subject invention will base insurance charges with regard to current material data representative of actual driving characteristics of the vehicle and driver operation to provide a classification rating of the operator and the vehicle in an actuarial class which has a vastly reduced rating error over conventional insurance cost systems. Additionally, the present invention allows for frequent monthly adjustment to the cost of coverage because of the changes in operator behavior and driving patterns. This can result in automobile insurance charges that are readily controllable by individual operators.