Software_Development_Life_Cycle_Agile_Ppt_Powerpoint_Slide_Clipart_1-.jpg' alt='Agile Software Development Principles Ppt Template' title='Agile Software Development Principles Ppt Template' />Avaya Acronym File Avaya IP Office. MB Measured Business line POTS. XP one X Portal. An Avaya Application. NZD New Zealand Dollar Latest News, Analysis and Forex. Latest NZD market news, analysis and New Zealand Dollar trading forecast. Rapidapplication development RAD is both a general term used to refer to alternatives to the conventional waterfall model of software development as well as the. Title PowerPoint Template Description PresentationLoad. Last modified by Georgina Clelland Created Date 512009 70224 AM Document presentation format. History Creation at Forethought 19841987 PowerPoint was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software startup in Silicon Valley named Forethought. Avaya zipcode list showing zipcodes that are within 2 hour response time. B1. Q 2 Binary, 1 Quaternary. FA Two Factor Authentication. GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project. This is a formal strategic planning model that I developed with a team of professionals for the Department of Defense in Washington D. C.
PL Third Party Logistics. PL 3rd Party Logistics. Whys The 5 whys typically refers to the practice of asking, five times, why the failure has occurred in order to get to the root causecauses of the problem. AP Accounts Payable customer department responsible for processing payments. APH All Phones. AR Accounts Receivable balance on all customer accounts. AA Auto Attendant. AAAA Avaya Associates Against Acronyms. AAAD Avaya Aura Agent Desktop If a contact center is licensed to handle telephony calls, the AAAD toolbar can be installed on the CCT server to provide agents with a softphone on their desktop. AABDE Avaya Aura Basic Development Environment AABDE is a virtualized environment of Avaya Aura Communication Manager and AE Services. It is offered ONLY through the Dev. Connect program to 3rd party developers, and is intended to support the creation of AE Ser. AAC Acculink Access Controller. AAC Avaya Aura Conferencing. AACAS Avaya Aura Conference Application Server. AACC Avaya Aura Contact Center provides a contact center solution comprising a suite of applications for voice and multimedia contact processing, agent handling, management and reporting, networking and third party application interfaces. AAEP Avaya Aura Enterprise Portal. Windows Is Uninstalling This Device Code 212. AAL ATM Adaption Layer. AAM Avaya Aura Messaging. AAN Application Assurance Networking. AAPS Avaya AuraR Presence Services. AAR Automatic Alternate Routing. AAS Auto Available Split. AASBCE Avaya Aura SBC Session Border Controller Enterprisesee ASBCE alsoAASM Avaya AuraR Session Manager. AAVE Avaya Aura Virtualized Enviroment. AB Acronym Buster. ABA Avaya Business Advisor Avaya Business Advisor is a sales tool that enables users to identify Avaya products and services that offer optimal performance in solving a clients business needs. The Avaya Business Advisor experience enables users to configure Avaya products and services by simple data input that answers questions to common business problems. ABL Avaya Batch Loader tool to load and manage Sales Compensations. ABT Analog Basic Telephone. ACA Avaya Certified Associate. ACACN Avaya Certified Associate in Communications Networking. ACB Automatic Call Back. ACC Access. ACCC Atlanta Customer Care Center. ACCCATL Atlanta Customer Care Center. ACCCM Avaya Contact Center Control Manager. ACCS Avaya Contact Center Select. ACD Avaya Credit Department. ACD Automatic Call Distribution. ACD Automatic Call Distributor. ACE Agile Communication Environment. ACES Avaya Central EMEA IT Service Desk Team. Aceva Vendor that supplied the Billing Quality Tool. ACFNCP Advanced Communications Function for the Network Control Program. ACH Automatic Clearing House. ACIS Avaya Certified Implementation Specialist. ACK Acknowlegdement. ACL Access Control List. ACLI Avaya Command Line Interface. ACM Assistant Contract Manager. ACM Avaya Communication Manager. ACP Avaya Call Processing. ACPI Avaya Conferencing Provider Interface ACPIACR Avaya Contact Recorder this is a key software application within Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization WFO solution suite provides for call and Full Time Screen Recording FTSR for contact center agent and enterprise Knowledge Worker engagements with customers many Avaya customers have mandatory Compliance Recording requirements they must adhere to this WFO application addresses this requirement. ACS Audio Conference System. ACS Avaya Corporate Security. ACS Avaya Client Services. ACSE Avaya Certified Solution Expert. ACSS Avaya Certified Solution Specialist. ACT Avaya Computer Telephony. ACU Awaiting Completion Unit. ACV Annual Contract Value. ACW After Call Work. AD Active Directory. ADAC Auto Detection And Configuration. ADAN Action Device And Number. ADAP Intuity Administration and Data Acquisition Package. ADD Agent Desktop Display The ADD application optionally provides real time skillset monitoring on agent desktops. ADE Advanced Diagnostic Engineering. ADH Application Detail Handler. ADI Avaya Direct International the non Siebel platform for e. Commerce in the international regionsADJ Adjunct. ADM AVAYA Diagnostic Methodology. ADMIN Administration. ADO Avaya Distributed Office, a May 2. ADP Automated Data Processing Provides payroll services. ADP Avaya designed products. ADR Application Data Record. ADS Avaya Data Services ADS provides a complete portfolio of Global Multi. Vendor life cycle support services, addressing all aspects of network support, from Installation and Integration, to ongoing Maintenance and Management. Supporting over 5. Vendors and 3. 50 Products with Industry certified engineering associates. Multi Vendor Maintenance Single point of contact for maintenance of hubs, switches, VSUs and routers in the network. Supported vendors include Lucent, Cisco, Avaya, Nortel Networks, Agile, Paradyne, and others. Management Services Real time monitoring and management of SNMP capable devices by remote Avaya engineers, using a network management platform developed with AvayaBell Labs. ImplementationIntegration Services Assistance with design, engineering, installation, implementation management, and reconfiguration, plus a single point of contact for data networking support. ADS Avaya Diagnostic Server is the new Secure Access Link version that includes SLAMon and weblm services. ADSL Asynchronous Digital Subsrciber Line. Broadband conection in which upstream and downstream connection speeds are different. Typically upstream speed is half that of downstream. ADT Avaya Diagnostic Toolkit. ADU ASYNCHRONOUS DATA UNITSADU Agent Data Unit. ADUC Active Directory Users and Computers. ADV Advantage. Advanced Payment Prepayment by customers for future billing. ADVD Avaya Desktop Video Device with the Flare Experience. The ADVD is a purpose built, real time communication device for the enterprise, and it supports the expected performance that an end user requires of real time communication in that environment. AE Account Executive now referred to as CE Client Executive. AE Application Execution environment. AE Services Application Enablement Services. AEA Avaya Encryption Algorithm. AECCB Application Enterprise Change Control Board The group responsible for the review, socialization and control of changes to IT managed applications within Avaya. AEL Avaya Enterprise Linux. Ae. M Avaya easy Management Network Management application for administration of mixed Communication Manager and Integral 5. AEP Avaya Enterprise Portal. AEP Avaya Exchange Place. AES Application Enablement Services A platform that provides a set of Application Programming Interfaces to access the functionality of Comminications Manager. AES Avaya Energy Saver. AES Advanced Encryption Standard. AES Implementation AES Implementation. AF Assured Forwarding. AFID Authentication File ID number 1. AFM Alarm Fault Manager. AFS Avaya Financial Services. AFS Authentication File System. AFT Address Forwarding Table. AG Advanced Gateway. AGC Avaya Global Connect. AGS Avaya Global Services. AGSP Avaya Global Solution Process. The Avaya Global Solution Process is the part of Avayas Quality Management System that describes Portfolio Management and Realization. The Avaya Global Solution Process consists of the following Process Elements and Process Roles.