OnTheRemoteServer.JPG' alt='Cannot Install Backup Exec Remote Agent Service' title='Cannot Install Backup Exec Remote Agent Service' />Backup Exec 1. Feature Pack 5. Problem. Backup Exec 1. 5 revision 1. Feature Pack 5. Solution. This Feature Pack 5 FP5 contains added platform support, critical updates, and enhancements for Backup Exec 1. Note To access and download the attached files, click on Attachments link located on the right hand side facet of this article. New featuresenhancements are included in this release 2. Instant Recovery IR for Virtual Machines VMWare and Hyper VBackup Exec lets you recover a virtual machine instantly without waiting to transfer the virtual machines data from a backup set. Backup Exec starts the instantly recovered virtual machine directly from the backup set and users can access it on the ESXHyper V host immediately. Smart Install is a plugandplay configuration and imagemanagement feature that provides zerotouch deployment for new switches. You can ship a switch to a location. VMware vCenter Converter Standalone provides an easytouse solution to automate the process of creating VMware virtual machines from physical machines running. Install and Configure the Cisco Unity Express Virtual OVA on KVM Service Containers. The Open Virtualization Archive OVA file contains a compressed, installable. Veritas/images/hero/product/backup-exec-hero-gi-598772211_1366x388.jpg' alt='Cannot Install Backup Exec Remote Agent Service' title='Cannot Install Backup Exec Remote Agent Service' />The startup time depends on the network speed and storage speed and not on the size of the virtual machine. You can use an instantly recovered virtual machine for all operations that you can do on a virtual machine. For more information about this feature, see About instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine and About instant recovery of a Hyper V virtual machine in the Backup Exec 1. Administrators Guide. Customizable S3 Cloud Connector SQL 2. SQL 2. 01. 4 SP2 Exchange 2. CU2 Exchange 2. 01. CU1. 3 Share. Point CUs 2. Share. Point 2. 01. SQL 2. 01. 6 instance. For more information on whats new in Backup Exec 1. FP5 please refer to the updated Readme document that is Available Here. Release Notes. Feature Pack 5 Release Notes 0. Affected versions. Backup Exec 1. 5 revision 1. Media Servers. Backup Exec 1. Agent for Windows Servers. Backup Exec 1. 5 revision 1. Agent for Windows Servers. Backup Exec 1. 5 revision 1. Remote Administration Console. Backup Exec 1. 5 revision 1. Remote Media Agent for Linux Servers 3. Linux Platforms BERMALSBackup Exec 1. Remote Media Agent for Linux Servers 6. Linux Platforms BERMALSPrerequisites Administrative privileges are required to install this Feature Pack. MPORTANT Note If you are upgrading from a previous version of Backup Exec or installing for the first time, please be sure you have the latest Backup Exec 1. FP5 embedded BackupExec1. FP5Multi. PlatformsMultilingual. To obtain the latest install media, have your serial number available and go to my. Installation Guide. This installation guide contains general information for installing Backup Exec product updates as well as special instructions for configurations including Agent for Windows Servers, Remote Agent for LinuxUnixMacintosh Servers RALUSRAMS, Clustered Backup Exec, Central Admin Servers CASO installations. Uninstalling this Service Pack. This Feature Pack cannot be uninstalled. File Information. The date and times in the file list are in Coordinated Universal Time UTC. When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time item in Control Panel. Backup Exec 6. Media Servers and 6. Remote Administration Consoles. Under C Program FilesveritasBackup Exec By defaultBackup Exec 3. Agent for Windows Servers. Under C Program FilesveritasBackup ExecRAWS By defaultSee Attachment TECH1. File. Versions. xls. Note The File Information Spreadsheet attachment contains tabs for each platform supported. Feature Pack File Checksum Information. File BE1. 18. 0. RSP5x. Cacti Templates For Windows 2008 Server on this page. File size 5. 27 MB 5. MD5 checksum 1. CAB4. F2. 81. FCF1. 03. FC5. D7. 15. SHA1 checksum 2. F1. 35. CF6. 3E7. CF4. FA9. AFABA6. ADADA3. 78. File BE1. RSP5x. 64bit. exe. File size 5. 27 MB 5. MD5 checksum 7. 09. C3. 34. DD3. F2. 25. A4. 87. 97. 84. 90. D2. F2. 0FD4. SHA1 checksum D4. CD0. D5. 02. 23. 89. BBF3. 1ADAB3. ADAA3.