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The following is intended to provide general information concerning a frequently asked question about taxes administered by the Mississippi Department of Revenue DOR. The 2013 Washington DUI Information Site. What happens after a Washington State DUI charge including laws including breath test suspensions, arrests, revocations. Washingtons DUI Guide. Prosecution Information. I just got arrested for a Washington DUI offense. What happens next ISSUE ONE. The Washington State Implied Consent Proceeding Under Washington state law, any person who operates a motor. State of Washington is deemed to have given consent to a test. See RCW 4. 6. 2. 0. Pursuant to this implied consent. Washington state imposes penalties in the form of a license suspension or. Inspired by traditions, Top Chefs Whitney Otawka recreates unique dining experiences at Greyfield Inn. History. New Jerseys history of taverns and alcohol production dates to its early colonial period. Colonial winemakers received recognition by the Royal Society of. The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Souls of Black Folk, by W. E. B. Du Bois This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions. Your. Washington driver license or your right to drive in Washington if youre not a. BAC or higher. 0. BAC or higher for minors or. Read your paperwork carefully. You. The request may be in writing. There is a 2. 00 fee for requesting this hearing. If you represent. If you had a valid Washington State drivers license at the time of your arrest, the. Keep in mind, you face a separate license suspension or revocation if you are. Washington DUI charge. Also, it is important to. Note It may be in your interest to choose to waive your right to. Washington State. Ignition Interlock Driver License IIL. More information on the Ignition Interlock. License is set forth below. Talk to your Washington DUI lawyer for more. IIL. if you waive any challenge to the administrative suspension revocation. The Washington DUI Criminal Offense Separate from the implied consent suspension is the criminal charge. DUI or physical control of vehicle under the. You were probably arrested cited for one form of DUI physical control. Under Washington State law, you commit the crime of driving while under the. State of Washington And you have, within two hours after driving, a BAC. While you are under the influence of or affected by. While you are under the combined influence of or. If youre under 2. RCW 4. 6. 6. 1. 5. Driver under 2. 1 consuming alcohol. This offense is charged when a person. BAC of 0. 0. 2 percent or more but less than 0. Read your paperwork. Important These two issues the implied consent proceeding and the. For example, if you do not. DUI charge is reduced to another. ISSUE ONE. Administrative. Issue Two. Criminal Implied consent administrative license suspension or. You have the option of. Criminal charge for DUI Physical Control and. You must personally appear in court or a. If. youre convicted of the DUI, you also face a separate suspension or. Will my Washington driver license be revoked suspendedRELATED TO ISSUE ONE ABOVE Your Washington driver license or. Washington if you do not have a valid Washington license may be. BAC. 0. 8 or greater. Refer to the table. WA STATE IMPLIED CONSENT ADMINISTRATIVE. SUSPENSION TABLETEST FAILURENO PRIOR INCIDENTS IN THE PAST. SEVEN YEARSSECOND OR GREATER ADMINISTRATIVE SUSPENSION WITHIN. PAST SEVEN YEARSAdult BAC. Minor BAC. 0. 2 or greater. TEST REFUSAL Adult Refused Testone year license revocationtwo year license revocation. Minor Refused Testone year license revocationtwo year license revocation or until age 2. RELATED TO ISSUE TWO ABOVE If you are convicted of the. Washington State DUI. Washington if you dont have a valid Washington license. This suspension typically last from 9. DUI. history. Refer to the Washington State DUI Grid Penalty Chart below. Also keep in mind that. Washington drivers license can be suspended for a variety of other reasons. I have a commercial driver license CDL. How long will my CDL be suspended if Im convicted of a DUI For a first DUI conviction, your CDL will be suspended for one year. If. DUI occurred while you were transporting hazardous materials, you face a. For a second DUI conviction, your CDL will be. This applies regardless of whether your DUI. You face similar CDL suspension lengths if you refuse a breath test. What happens if I get caught driving while my driving privilege license is suspended. Driving while your license. Washington DUI is a new. If convicted of. this charge, you face at least 1. If you have a prior driving while privilege suspended revoked involving a DUI related suspension revocation. It is also a crime to drive when your privileges have been suspended or revoked. Jail time is possible. A fine of at least 3. If you have a prior driving while suspended revoked involving. DUI related suspension revocation in the past five years, you face at least. I really need to drive. Will I be able to get a. You may be eligible for an Ignition Interlock. License IIL. This license is generally only available to persons living. Washington State who either had an otherwise valid Washington drivers license. State of Washington. As the name implies, an IIL requires an ignition interlock. In some. circumstances, an Ignition Interlock License can. Along with an ignition interlock device, you will also have to maintain SR 2. DOL along with a 2. See. RCW 4. 6. 2. An IIL may also be available if you are suspended for an. DUI conviction. Example, youre a driver licensed in. Washington State and you get convicted of a DUI in Oregon. Oregon suspends. Oregon and notifies Washington of the conviction. The DOL will then notify you that your Washington driver license is suspended. IIL. Speak to your Washington DUI lawyer about whether you qualify and how to apply. These licenses are NOT available to. What is the difference between a DUI, DWI, DUII, OWI, OVI, OUI, DWAI, etc. These terms are all acronyms that refer to the crime commonly known. Different states have different names for the charge. For example, in Oregon the charge is. DUII driving under the influence of an intoxicant in New York and Texas the charge is DWI. Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin use the term OWI operating while intoxicated. Washington law uses the terms. DUI as does Idaho, California and. Some states have a lesser type DUI offense, called a DWAI driving while ability. Washington does not. Like some states, Washington has. BAC above. 1. 5 or a breath test refusal. However, Washington does not have a different name for this offense. Arizona, for example, uses the term Extreme DUI and Super Extreme DUI for high. BAC offenses. Is a Washington DUI a criminal offense Yes. A driving under the influence charge is either a misdemeanor or a. See below for more information. Is a DUI in Washington a misdemeanor or felony charge In Washington, a DUIoffense is usually a misdemeanor crime. However, a Washington DUI charge becomes a felony if 1 you have. DUI related offenses in the past 1. DUI. related vehicular assault or vehicular homicide. Felony DUI offenses in. Washington are quite serious and come with the possibility of prison time. DUI related offenses refers to. DUI 2 a conviction for physical control 3 a conviction for. DUI 4 a conviction for a vehicular assault. DUI 5 a conviction for a DUI that was amended to a negligent. DUI or physical. control and 8 a deferred prosecution for negligent driving first degree. What type of penalties might I face if I am convicted of. Washington DUI charge A first time DUI in Washington. Upon conviction, a defendant can. A. range of typical penalties for Washington DUI. WASHINGTON STATE DUI GRID AND PENALTY CHARTBAC less than. Or No Test Result. No Prior DUIs within. One Prior DUI. within Past 7 Years. Priors DUIs. 2. 4 hours minimum. Electronic Detention Home Confinement. To avoid jail, must serve at least 1. Fine Assessments. Suspension Revocation. Day Suspension. 2 Year Revocation. Year Revocation. Ignition Interlock. Required. Required. Required. Alcohol Drug. Education or Treatment. Determined By The Court. Determined By The Court. Determined By The Court.