AOLTIPS. TXT, all part of my Updated Windows 9xNT42. MEXP2. 00. 3 DOS 7. Tricks Secrets Files W9. D. EXE, FREEware. Comprehensive. Windows Registry Guide. The Registry. Pol. Edit Cfg. Back ERU ERD Scan. SmartPCFixer is a fully featured and easytouse system optimization suite. With it, you can clean windows registry, remove cache files, fix errors, defrag disk. Reg Scan. Reg. W gpedit. REG Definition. The Windows 9. 59. NT2. 00. 0MEXP2. Vista2. Registry also called Registration Database is a complex, unified, system wide, continually referenced during. Its role is to replace the textASCII. MS DOS configuration. BAT,. SYS and Windows initialization. INI files, used by the old MS DOS 3456. Windows 3. xx and Windows for Work. Groups 3. 1x REG. DAT releases. Most data from the MS DOS startup. AUTOEXEC. BAT and CONFIG. SYS, and from the Windows system initialization files CONTROL. INI, SYSTEM. INI, WIN. INI, PROTOCOL. INI, NETWORK. INI etc, is now contained into the Registry, together with most of the other system settings. Most Win. 32. 3. Win. Registry instead of into. INI,. CFG etc files. The MS DOS and. INI files are kept only for backward. MS DOS and Win. 16 1. The Registry is stored in binary data format. DAT, and the information it contains can be accessed read. Registry aware Windows programs, as needed. More info The. Windows 9. 59. 8ME Registration Database is contained in these 5 files. Hidden, Read only attributes for write protection purposes, usually located in the Win. Dir folder default is C Windows in stand alone single user environments SYSTEM. DAT stores persistent hardware and software settings related to the system it resides on, contained in the HKEYCLASSESROOT Windows 9. HKEYLOCALMACHINE Hive. USER. DAT stores user specific and software settings contained in the HKEYCURRENTUSER Hive key. If more than one user, then multiple user profiles enable each user to have. USER. DAT file, located in Win. DirProfilesUser. Name. When a user logs on, Windows OS downloads both USER. DAT files the one from the local machine Win. Dir global user settings, and the most recent one. Win. DirProfilesUser. Name, or from the central host server if user profiles reside on a network local user settings. CLASSES. DAT stores persistent. HKEYCLASSESROOT Hive key, found only on Windows ME. SYSTEM. DA0 USER. DA0 automatically created backups of SYSTEM. DAT USER. DAT from the last successful. Windows GUI startup, and found only on Windows 9. OSR1, 9. 5B OSR 2. B OSR 2. 1 and 9. C OSR 2. 5. Pol. Edit This other file is specific only to Windows 9. ME and resides usually. Win. Dir on stand alone multi user machines Cfg. Back In Windows 9. OSR1, 9. 5B OSR 2. B OSR 2. 1 and 9. C OSR 2. 5 the HKEYLOCALMACHINE HKEYUSERS Registry Hive keys can be backed up manually by using the Configuration. Backup tool Cfg. Back. Windows Setup CD ROM in the OtherMiscCfgback subfolder, and also part of Microsoft Windows 9. CD ROM. Extras Get CFGBACK. EXE 4. 6 KB, free, unsupported. Both CFGBACK. EXE CFGBACK. HLP should reside into the same. On computers with more than one user only HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM. DAT is backed up. Cfg. Back can create up to 9 different compressed Registry SYSTEM. DAT USER. DAT backup copies with. RBK extension. Registry Bac. Kup files. RBK can be stored on any available hard, floppy, optical, USB or removable backup drive, and are used exclusively by Cfg. Back to restore an older. Registry Hive keys back into SYSTEM. DAT USER. DAT if only 1 user. Cfg. Back can be scheduled through System AgentTask Scheduler MS Plus Win. SEME only to perform periodical backups of the. Registry. WARNING Cfg. Back does NOT work correctly according to Microsoft Confirmed Cfg. Back BUGs MSKB Configuration Backup Tool Does Not Restore All Settings. Configuration Backup Gives Confusing Warning on Restore. See REGISTRY BACKUP RESTORE to learn how to backuprestore your entire Registry. ERU ERD In Windows 9. OSR1. 9. 5B OSR 2. B OSR 2. 1 and 9. C OSR 2. 5 the SYSTEM. DAT USER. DAT Registry files can be backed up manually by using the Emergency Recovery Utility ERU. Windows Setup CD ROM in the OtherMiscERU subfolder, and also part of Microsoft Windows 9. CD ROM Extras Get ERU. EXE ERD. EXE. 6. KB, free, unsupported. All these files MUST reside into the same directoryfolder of your choice for ERU to work properly ERU. EXE, ERD. EE ERD. EXE renamed ERU. INF. By default ERU creates backups of these boot. AUTOEXEC. BAT, COMMAND. COM, SYSTEM. DAT, USER. DAT, EXPLORER. EXE, PROTOCOL. INI, SYSTEM. INI, WIN. INI, CONFIG. SYS, IO. SYS MSDOS. SYS, and can be stored on any. USB or removable backup drive. ERU backs up only Win. DirUSER. DAT if only one user, but does NOT backup Win. DirProfilesUserNameUSER. DAT if more than 1 user. Copy paste the. Notepad, and save it as ERD9. BAT example in C ERUBKP example, which should also contain all other necessary files ERU. EXE, ERD. EE. ERU. INF Begin cut paste here ECHO OFFIF. OSWindowsNT GOTO ENDMEM C FIND I vmm. NULIF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ENDC CDERUBKPIF NOT EXIST ERD. GOTO ENDIF EXIST ERD. EXE GOTO RUNIF EXIST. ERD. EE REN ERD. EE ERD. EXE RUNERD. EXE ENDEXIT End cut paste here To restore files backed up by ERU you need to reboot to. MS DOS mode hold F8 at the bootup BIOS POST Power On Self Test screen to bring up the Startup Menu select the. Command prompt only option press Enter. At the C prompt switch to the drivepartition letter and. ERD9. 5. BAT is located example using C ERUBKP run ERD9. BAT. Available. backups can be selecteddeselected by pressing the Space key. Confirmed ERU BUG MSKB Emergency Recovery Utility Does Not Back Up. Files. Scan. Reg Scan. Reg. W In Windows 9. SEU. and ME working Registry files. DAT are backed up automatically upon. Windows by the Scan Registry tool Win. DirScan. Regw. exe into compressed Cabinet files. CAB Microsoft proprietary compression technology based on LZX compression algorithm. Win. DirSysbckup subfolder default, and holding 5 default, up to a maximum of 9. GUI boot of each new day the oldest is replaced with the. They are named from RB0. CAB, RB0. 01. CAB,. RB0. 99. CAB. Check their datetime stamp to determine the newest backup set. Windows 9. 8ME automatic Registry backup is. C WindowsScan. Regw. String Value called Scan. Registry under this Registry. HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionRun. See SCANREGW, SCANREG SCANREG. INI for more. details. In addition, SYSTEM. ST Windows 9. 5, 9. ME CLASSES. 1. ST Windows ME only are found in the. Host. Win. Boot. Drv folder boot drivepartition root directory, usually C on uncompressed drivespartitions, as a backup of the first Win. ME SYSTEM. DAT and Win. ME CLASSES. DAT respectively, created at the end of a successful. Setup. These are also Hidden, Read only files. The Windows. NT2. XP2. Vista2. 00. 8788. Registration Database is contained with some OS specific variations in these 6 files located in the System. RootSystem. 32Config folder default is C WinntSystem. BVI Irma Relief Update September 1. This morning we were able to make direct contact with our sources at the BVIDDM and BVI Government. We hope the following is able to add some clarity and clear misinformation circulating. The BVI Government and other disaster management teams greatly appreciate the outpouring of assistance from persons near and far. This is critical to rebuilding the nation and returning a sense of normalcy. From the outside, it is difficult to understand the immense level of infrastructure damage that Hurricane Irma caused. Tasks such as activating distribution centers are extremely challenging, when most buildings are severely damaged and security personnel to maintain order are limited. Communication between to the outside world and within the territory is limited, but rebuilding at an encouraging pace. To make progress they need all involved to stay focused, and exercise patience as we work to overcome the challenges. Here is what we know BVI Airport Tortola Satellite Phone 8. The runway is clear and transmission tower is running on limited supplemental power. The tower is directly managing clearance for all aircraft, including those for emergency aid and evacuation. However, due to limited power, the transmission strength of the antenna only lets them connect properly when planes are about 1. With such a high volume of air traffic and limited communication, for safety there are times when some aircraft are asked to hold or wait temporarily to avoid crashes and further loss of life. Commercial flights are expected to resume slowly by Thursday or Friday with carriers such as Seabourne Airlines and Island Birds. Landing flights at during the evening is not possible due to lack of electricity to light the runway and surrounding areas. Military security is at this site to maintain safety of persons and goods. For details on contacting all BVI Ports for entry clearance click here. BVI Main Sea Port Port Purcell VHF 1. Port Purcell is being used as the main sea entry point for vessels. For details on contacting all BVI Ports for entry clearance click here. This port is experiencing similar challenges as outlined for the airport electricity, light, security, capacity, limited operating hours etc. Teams are working to urgently to speed up the movement of aid. Distribution of Aid. Any rumors that local businesses are selling supplies that arrive as aid are FALSE. Supermarkets and other BVI businesses normally receive shipments of goods during the early half of each week. Ships that had already left Florida, USA have been holding securely at sea until hurricanes Irma and Jose left, making it safe to enter the BVI. At the moment these ships are carrying goods that businesses already purchased for sale, per normal practice. Convoy of Hope is on the ground flying in aid, helping with logistics and setting up schools as distribution centers in collaboration with BVIDDM on ALL islands. Finding safe sites is difficult as mentioned above, but the process is indeed moving. As early as yesterday Monday Sept. Althea Scatliffe Primary School in Tortola was able to give aid to lines of people. Hurricane shelters are also stocked with food, water and supplies. Port Purcell is also being used as a secure distribution center and some open air locations are functioning as distribution points for communities. However this is limited due to security risks. Trucks are transporting aid to remote areas such as Cane Garden Bay, and smaller boats are forwarding aid to Jost Van Dyke. Hon. Melvin Mitch Turnbull D2 was seen with British Military loading supplies on to the vessel. Caribbean Flyers Club of Puerto Rico made two flights to Anegada and donated supplies. The Virgin Group and other teams are distributing aid on Virgin Gorda. BVI Banks. Cash is now available from bank ATMs on a limited basis during daylight hours. Banco Popular and First Bank ATMs functioning. FCIB ATM expected to come online next. Banco Popular and FCIB IT systems are tested and functioning. Working to resume more service later in the week. Scotia. Bank Caribbean relief team is in route to BVI to assist and work on activating the bank. Economy and Financial Services. Access to VIRRGIN financial services system is restored. BVI Financial Services Commission and Company Registry are functioning. Trust companies, banks and other services providers are regrouping to restore service. Many companies are serving clients remotely from their headquarters abroad. Small businesses such as P3 Paper Plastic Products and CTL Home Center are open for business and recovering. BVI House Asia releasing regular statements to keep the industry informed Food, Water, Fuel and other supplies. Supermarkets have supplies are open in a controlled manner. Food shortage not expected. Bobbys, Rite Way and One. Mart Supermarket are open for business. One. Mart is open regularly from 1. AM 4. PM. Hand baskets only to help everyone receive supplies. One. Mart and Rite Way accepting cash and creditdebit cards. Bobbys may be cash only but we are unable to confirm. Shipments of water and other goods arriving this week to replenish supermarkets. Some fuel reserves on hand for electricity will be used for other essential services at until the power plant is back online. Gas stations have fuel and are coordinating replenishments. No fuel shortage expected. Communication. Premier Smith will have a daily briefing to the community moving forward. This will also be aired on ZBVI, ZKING 7. PM and 7. AM and WSTA daily. He will be reporting on actions his government has taken since the passage of Hurricane Irma to get the BVI back to normalcy. Firetrucks are using their loud speakers to share announcements. Hon. Mark Vanterpool held a meeting at the Band Stand in Long Bush on Monday. He was also spotted sharing info on a bull horn while people waited in line at Rite Way. ZBVI Radio is reported to be back on air. JTV is coming online and helping with interviews of Government officials and residents. USVI Radio stations being contacted with updated with news on BVI situation. Community meetings are being scheduled to share information. Sept 1. 2 4. PM One. Mart Supermarket. Sept. 1. 2 5. PM Lower Estate Basketball Court. Sept. 1. 3 2. PM Band Stand at Long Bush. Distribution CentersShelters that should have suppliesong Trench Community Centre. St. Georges Anglican Church Main Street. Francis Lettsome Primary School East End. Claudia Creque Educational Centre Anegada. Church of God of Prophecy East End. Zion Hill Methodist Church West End. Rainbow Home Lower Estate. East End and Long Look Community Centre. Jost Van Dyke School. Catholic Community Centre Virgin Gorda. North Sound Methodist Church Virgin Gordalease send us a private message if you are on the ground and can confirm needed changes to this list. All parties involved are grateful for the support of the international and local community to rebuild the nation and keep us BVIStrong. Dalan Vanterpool dalanvBVI Irma Relief BVIIrma. ReliefBVIIrma. Relief.