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A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out arbitrary sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. The ability of computers to follow. ICE performance mode. Replacing the battery. Index. Replacing the power supply assembly. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. This manual is intended only for trained service personnel who are familiar with Lenovo computer products. Before servicing a Lenovo computer product, be sure to read Important Safety Information on page 1. Chapter 7 Symptom to FRU index on page 6. Chapter 1. 0 Additional Service Information on page 1. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Observe the following rules when working on electrical equipment. Copyright Lenovo 2. This practice ensures correct grounding of the units. If an electrical accident occurs Use caution do not become a victim yourself. Switch off power. Send another person to get medical aid. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Safety inspection guide The intent of this inspection guide is to assist you in identifying potentially unsafe conditions on these products. Each machine, as it was designed and built, had required safety items installed to protect users and service personnel from injury. This guide addresses only those items. However, good judgment should be used to identify potential safety hazards due to attachment of features or options not covered by this inspection guide. The caution and danger safety notices in this section are provided in the following languages English Arabic BrazilianPortuguese Chinese simplified Chinese traditional French German Hebrew Italian Korean Spanish Think. Centre M9. 3z Hardware Maintenance Manual. DANGER Electrical current from power, telephone and communication cables is hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm. Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Chapter 2 Safety information. PERIGO A corrente eltrica proveniente de cabos de alimentao, de telefone e de comunicaes perigosa. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Para evitar risco de choque eltrico No conecte nem desconecte nenhum cabo ou execute instalao, manuteno ou reconfigurao deste produto durante uma tempestade com raios. Conecte todos os cabos de alimentao a tomadas eltricas corretamente instaladas e aterradas. O dispositivo tambm pode ter mais de um cabo de alimentao. Para remover toda a corrente eltrica do dispositivo, assegure que todos os cabos de alimentao estejam desconectados da fonte de alimentao. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Chapter 2 Safety information. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Chapter 2 Safety information. C, chercher la rparer ou la dmonter. Ne pas mettre la pile la poubelle. Pour la mise au rebut, se reporter la rglementation en vigueur. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. ATTENTION Si des produits laser tels que des units de CD ROM, de DVD ROM, des units fibres optiques, ou des metteurs sont installs, prenez connaissance des informations suivantes Ne retirez pas le carter. En ouvrant lunit de CD ROM ou de DVD ROM, vous vous exposez au rayonnement dangereux du laser. Lithiumbatterie, dieses nur durch ein Modul desselben Typs und von demselben Hersteller ersetzen. Die Batterie enthlt Lithium und kann bei unsachgemer Verwendung, Handhabung oder Entsorgung explodieren. Die Batterie nicht mit Wasser in Berhrung bringen. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. C erhitzen. reparieren oder zerlegen. Die rtlichen Bestimmungen fr die Entsorgung von Sondermll beachten. ACHTUNG Bei der Installation von Lasergerten wie CD ROM Laufwerken, DVD aufwerken, Einheiten mit Lichtwellenleitertechnik oder Sendern Folgendes beachten Die Abdeckungen nicht entfernen. Durch Entfernen der Abdeckungen des Lasergerts knnen gefhrliche Laserstrahlungen freigesetzt werden. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Chapter 2 Safety information. Riscaldarla ad una temperatura superiore ai 1. C 2. 12 gradi F Smontarla, ricaricarla o tentare di ripararla Le batterie usate vanno smaltite in accordo alla normativa in vigore DPR 9. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. ATTENZIONE Quando vengono installati prodotti laser quali CD ROM, unit DVD ROM, unit a fibre ottiche o trasmittenti, tener presente quanto segue Non rimuovere gli sportelli. Lapertura di ununit laser pu determinare lesposizione a radiazioni laser pericolose. Allinterno dellunit non vi sono parti su cui effettuare lassistenza tecnica. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Adobe Acrobat X Pro 10 1 3 Keygen Torrent. PELIGRO La corriente elctrica procedente de cables de alimentacin, telfonos y cables de comunicacin puede ser peligrosa. Para evitar el riesgo de descarga elctrica No conecte ni desconecte los cables ni realice ninguna tarea de instalacin, mantenimiento o reconfiguracin de este producto durante una tormenta elctrica. No quite las cubiertas. Si quita las cubiertas del producto lser, podra quedar expuesto a radiacin lser peligrosa. Dentro del dispositivo no existe ninguna pieza que requiera servicio tcnico. Si usa controles o ajustes o realiza procedimientos que no sean los especificados aqu, podra exponerse a radiaciones peligrosas. PELIGRO Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Algunos productos lser tienen incorporado un diodo lser de clase 3. A o clase 3. B. Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente Cuando se abre, queda expuesto a radiacin lser. No mire directamente al rayo lser, ni siquiera con instrumentos pticos, y evite exponerse directamente al rayo lser. Think. Centre M9. Hardware Maintenance Manual. Storage 1. 5. 2 to 1. Electrical input Input voltage Low range Minimum 1. V ac Maximum 1. 27 V ac Input frequency range 5. Hz High range Minimum 2. V ac Maximum 2. 40 V ac Copyright Lenovo 2. Note If you do not find the program you need in Control Panel, open the Lenovo Think. Vantage Tools program navigation window and double click the dimmed icon to install the program you need. Then, follow the instructions on the screen. On the Windows 8. Windows key to go to the Start screen. Click a Lenovo program to launch it. If you cannot find the program you need, click the arrow icon in the bottom left corner of the screen to go to the Apps screen. Find the desired program in the apps list or search for it in the search box in the top right corner of the screen. 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